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Clearing the Heart and Unloading the Shoulders with Bhavani Maki- Asana Class #2 with Bhavani Maki

2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204 2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204, Blacksburg, VA, United States

Sunday AM Asana Class (3 hours) May 19 10 AM - 1 PM, $122 a la carte Clearing the Heart and Unloading the Shoulders The key to cellular lightness lies in the link between your nervous system, pelvic floor and the Earth’s magnetic field. An invigorating practice of spinal extension in a safe and sustainable […]


The Nine Rites of Passage: Yoga Sūtra & Discourse with Bhavani Maki- Sūtra Class #2 with Bhavani Maki

2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204 2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204, Blacksburg, VA, United States

Saturday Sutra class (2.25 hours), May 18 3 - 5:15 pm, $80 a la carte The Nine Rites of Passage: Yoga Sūtra & Discourse Patañjali advises the Yoga aspirant that it is not a matter of if, but when the challenges arise. Often misconstrued as obstacles, the antarāyā are in fact to be embraced as […]


Sushumna Nādi – The Place of Pilgrimage with Bhavani Maki- Asana Class #1 with Bhavani Maki

2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204 2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204, Blacksburg, VA, United States

Saturday AM Asana Class, May 18 (3 hours) 10 AM - 1 PM, $122 a la carte Sushumna Nādi - The Place of Pilgrimage Sushumna Nādi is described as ‘she who is most gracious’, and is accessed through the central nervous system as balanced awareness. Standing, balancing and twisting Āsana with a focus on diaphragmatic […]


Restorative Yoga and the Yoga Sūtra for the Psychonaut with Bhavani Maki- Sūtra Class #1 with Restorative Yoga with Bhavani Maki

2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204 2000 Kraft Dr. Suite 1204, Blacksburg, VA, United States

Friday PM Sutra class, May 17 (2.5 hours) 5:00 - 7:30 pm, $80 a la carte Restorative Yoga and the Yoga Sūtra for the Psychonaut Much like an astronaut, the psycho-naut ventures into the wide unknown of their own consciousness. Yogic posture is the seat from which Yoga begins and is meant to be practiced […]
