Emisshield® Inc. is the owner and creator of EMISSHIELD® COATING SYSTEMS which are thin film, ceramic materials with high emissivity and heat re-radiation capabilities.
PUTTING THEIR CLIENTS FIRST… Their coatings are solution based products designed with the customer in mind. Industries such as petrochemical, iron & steel and glass all have different problems related to energy savings, hydrocarbon emissions, downtime, longevity of equipment and much more. Emisshield’s® purpose is to use any of their 40+ products and deliver a proactive solution.
LEADING THE INDUSTRY… From a process tube in a petrochemical plant to the clothes on our back, Emisshield® is a leading technology in the world market. Their clothing line, TrizarTM, is providing up to a 30°F shift in your core temperature depending on the surrounding environment. The optimization provided by Emisshield® can provide significant improvement in most energy consuming, producing or related heat systems. Emisshield® also manipulates and re-radiates heat and is used in cooling applications as well to emit heat off of heat producing products, electrical conductive equipment, transformers and other heat producing equipment that needs the temperatures lowered to be more efficient.
Similarly, Emisshield® is improving fuel consumption rates and fuel combustion which is leading to petrochemical plants reducing their hydrocarbon emission between 10-20% and up to 10% in energy savings.
FORGING AHEAD IN INNOVATION… NASA developed the core technology of Emisshield® to be used as the heat shield for the X-33 and X-34 space planes. Sticking to their roots, they have an active R&D department who recently launched their newest product, GZ-5.
GZ-5 is a sintered coating, making it pin hole free, with high bonding strength and abrasion resistance for any ceramic substrate. Its molecular structure allows it to perform as intended up to 1800°F. They are extremely proud of their continual efforts to find new ways to pioneer the High Emissivity Coating Industry to better assist their customers and different industries around the world.
RED LIGHT, GREEN LIGHT, GO… Emisshield® is currently preparing to launch their new “Green” line of products. These innovative sustainability solutions will assist users in reducing their hydrocarbon emissions up to 15% percent. Emisshield® Inc. understands the importance of sustainability and is ecstatic to be able to assist in preserving our planet for the generations to come.

“With a background in environmental engineering, developing the Emisshield® Coating systems as an avenue to assist companies worldwide in accomplishing their sustainability goals is what I strive for and appreciate. Emisshield® Coatings have created the High Emissivity Revolution with 40 Products in many industries and with the help of the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center (VTCRC) we will work to further our R&D and business efforts.”
THE RESEARCH COMMUNITY… Emisshield® says the VTCRC is a wonderful resource! They enjoy bringing their clients from all over the world to their office and explaining the benefits the research park brings to their company and employees. The surrounding area and the interaction from other companies on the campus are great contributions to their overall experiences in southwest Virginia.

VTCRCimpact… The VTCRC is proud to have an outstanding company make such a difference, not only regionally but globally. To learn more about Emisshield, please visit www.emisshield.com. Stay social on Facebook and LinkedIn at www.facebook.com/Emisshield or www.linkedin.com/company/emisshield-inc-
2000 Kraft Drive, Suite 2600
Blacksburg, VA 24060